Saturday, 21 June 2008

The Party Never Stops!

It's been a while since my last update, I really haven't had as much time as I would have liked over the past week. I posted last Sunday about some goals, some large, some small, that I want to achieve over the next few months and although they haven't been completed I'm getting ever so slightly closer!

First off, with the new Midsummer festival, Brennus has been out collecting blossoms to swap for items. The first being this funky...dancey thing...(Can't find a link for it) which turns you into a hawt dancing draenei! He's managed to get a fair bit of gold by hitting the braziers in various towns, including the horde capitals! Loukya decided to try this, but after getting ganked in Orgrimmar she went in a huff and gave up.

In a "Where's Waldo?" style here she is in Orgrimmar!

I did have some fun throwing my flames around and juggling torches for the new daily quests on Loukya and Nyx my nooby 23 shaman.

Second, after spending 150 badges on her Gavel of Naaru blessings, Aedos finally managed to save up 41 more for her first epic healing trinket, the Essence of the Martyr, getting her + healing up to 1753 unbuffed. Now I know most people will be like "Huh? Healing BT and MH with only that crappy +healing?" But since we have effectively stopped doing Serpentshrine and Tempest Keep, our Guild Leader had decided she didn't need me in incredibly amazing gear, just enough to get my Lifebloom ticking decently and to be useful, and to pick up as much new gear as I can to improve that way. So after one raid with my new trink I managed to break my effective heal record to over 2 million! Which I'm very happy about!

Next, after some very long Alterac Valley's and one very annoying and extremely boring Arathi Basin I have managed to get my honour to this:

Half of what I need for my PVP trinket, but I'm getting closer! Hopefully I should have it by the end of next week at the latest.

And lastly, a real life note! I have cleared my room of all unnecessary clothes, books and general clutter and once I start packing the rest of my needed things away in boxes I shall be ready to move away in exactly 6 weeks. I can't wait! I'm sure I wont mind putting my other goals on hold while I get ready to make a massive new step in my life, moving out of my family home and starting a new with my boyfriend. As long as we don't fight over internet connections I'm sure we'll be just fine.

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